Co-written by Ofer Shaked and Maayan Fishelov
A new vulnerability (CVE-2020-0796) has been discovered in the SMB compression mechanism which allows a client to attack a server and run arbitrary code unauthenticated. A specially crafted server can also attack a client connecting to it with the same vulnerability. SMB compression has been presented into the SMB protocol in version v3.11.
Affected Services
Affected Windows Versions
According to Microsoft, older operating systems such as older builds of Windows 10 or Windows 8 won’t be discovered as affected in the future, since the compression feature wasn’t available on them.
The last time that such vulnerability has been discovered was in 2017, in CVE-2017-0143 (SMBv1), and it wrecked havoc in industrial control systems by ransomware worms exploiting the vulnerability, such as WannaCry and NotPetya. We suspect that this vulnerability might also be used soon in ransomware worms and are advising what can currently be done to mitigate the threat.
What You Can Do About It
The SCADAfence Research Team recommends the following mitigations:
The SCADAfence Platform for industrial cyber security management, allows you to automate your asset management, uncover vulnerabilities in your software and architecture and continuously detect malware activity.
How To Detect Exploitation Of CVE-2020-0796
SMBv3 compression is disabled by default. There’s no documented way to enable this feature. Therefore, any observed SMBv3 compressed traffic should be suspected as an exploitation attempt, since it’s unlikely to be used by legitimate parties.
SCADAfence has added a specific alert when this feature is in use:
If you see this alert, contact our Incident Response team for immediate assistance.
Set-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters” DisableCompression -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force .
Source: ADV200005 | Microsoft Guidance for Disabling SMBv3 Compression
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